Want To Make An Impact On Instagram? READ THIS.


We need to gain perspective on being authentic. 

There is merit about how we show up online and in the world and it has an impact on others, whether or not we intended to make one.

Instagram is meant to exist as an open forum, where each person is allowed the space to exist in a way that is unique to them. It’s an outlet, a tool to facilitate human connection and expression. This function of social media has been largely forgotten by a culture of posting doctored photos that reflect physically impossible breast-to-waist-to-ass ratios and unrealistically airbrushed complexions.

Pictures and profiles curated this way become dangerous when they identify themselves as honest and build a following based on truth.

There’s a reason why being an “Instagram Influencer” is a highly compensated and coveted position. After being inundated with images of perfection, regular users––people, regular people––strive to emulate that lifestyle. So we buy what the influencers are wearing, taking the word of a FaceTuned model that this product will bring us one step closer to a perfect life. But that life doesn’t exist. Not even for the person who claims to be living it.

It isn’t fair to the Instagram community to pass off these façades as reality… and it’s not fair to you to have to keep pretending.

When you silence parts of yourself to convince people to “like” and “follow” you, it might feel more comfortable than the prospect of getting rejected as your true self.

Step out of your comfort zone and get REAL.

If you find that you are having trouble figuring out what your version of real looks and sounds like, take the time to get to know yourself. Figuring out what you believe in is a critical step in finding who you are. 

Allow yourself to be seen in new ways by sharing all aspects of your life, rather than just through rose-colored glasses.

Leading authentically with high-quality, valuable content is THE only way to gain REAL, LOYAL followers who are going to trust you enough to turn into customers and clients.

This might mean you lose some followers.

They were never for you, anyway.

This might mean your account grows more slowly.

But the people who are there are genuinely interested in you and what you have to say.

This might mean you post less often.

Remember to prioritize quality over quantity, always.

And all of this is perfectly okay.

(Even if it feels scary at first.)

When you prioritize these things, your followers can expect a great quality image or video accompanied by a caption that either educates, entertains, or inspires them. No fluff. Nothing fake. Just “really, real” as our friend and #inspo Shanna Tyler says.

In the end, being YOU is the main thing that differentiates you in this world.

You might as well embrace it and see what magical places it takes you.⁠

Developing your authentic voice takes courage and unlearning past behaviors. Read this article by Psychology Today if you would like to begin the process.

Be patient. Keep going! You’ve got this.